Monday, February 4, 2019

Department Store Management System Mini-Project in C Free Source Code Download


This mini project in C Department Store Management System is a simple console built application without graphic. In this project, you can manage a typical ‘fashion wear’ department store. You can add goods, edit goods, search, delete and display the goods.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Cyber Management System Mini-Project in C Free Source Code Download


This mini project in C Cyber Management System utilizes various features of C like Socket, Multi-threading, and more. It can prove to be very useful for C languages learners who are beginners in the programming field. File handling has been used as database to store records.
Understanding this project will help you create management software or your own mini projects like employee record, bank management, library management, etc. The whole project is divided into two programs, one for the client and one for the server.
There are two different source codes in this mini project on Cyber Management System in C: one for the client functions and other for the server functions. See a client-server example for socket programming in C.
The server program is for managing settings and client requests. The client program gives clients access to the cyber services. Both these source codes are short, each around 100 lines. You can directly download the source codes plus the executable files from the link below.

Download Link

About Cyber Management System Project:

Utilizing the advanced features of C, such as socket programming and multi-threading, this Cyber Management System application has been built. The system is divided into two modules: client module and server module.
The server module or program is responsible for the management of settings and client request. On the other hand, the client part gives clients in cyber access to the services provided by the place. Both the program have different source code, and they run in accordance to one another.
So, Cyber Cafe Management System interconnects different computers in a Cyber cafe, and allows users to communicate over the computer network. It aims at managing Cyber cafe with multiple clients and provide the clients service access to log in. The log-in system provides security from hackers or unauthorized users to gain access to the client server.
In this cyber cafe management system project, clients can log in as guests or members and use the facilities provided by the  cyber. Clients can even request services of a typical cafe such as coffee, tea, and other things.

Output Screen:

Cyber Setup

Client Login

The project may seem complex but it’s easy to understand and analyze. It is quite different than other C mini projects you find on Code with C. If you have any queries regarding bring them up to me from the comments section.


Customer Billing System Mini-Project in C free Source Code Download


Customer Billing System Project is a simple console application designed to demonstrate the practical use of C programming language and its features as wells as to generate an application which can be used in any departmental store, shops, cafes etc. for billing to the customer.
You can use this application to keep the records such as name, address, mobile number, paid amount, due amount, payment date etc. of your regular costumer. Moreover, if you have a new customer, you can add and edit the account at any time.
The source code of Customer Billing System Project in C has been written in C programming language without of the use of any graphics. The code is complete, totally error free and not that long – just. It is to be compiled in Code::Blocks  using GCC compiler. You can directly download the source code from any of the links provided here.

Download link

Customer Billing System Project Abstract:

User Defined Functions Used:
Although graphics has not been used in this project, the application of user defined functions and structures have been effectively used here. The major user defined functions used in this C project are:
  • void input()
  • void writefile()
  • void search()
  • void output()
The function void input() is used to add the new customer account i.e. with the help of this functions the parameters such as name, address, phone number, amount paid etc. are asked and entered. Another function void writefile() has been utilized to create a file on hard disc of computer for storing the information and data of a customer.
The function void search() has been used to look for previously stored accounts either by name or by number of the customer. The fourth and the last user defined function used in this Customer Billing System Project in C is void output() which has been defined to show the result as console output.
In Customer Billing System, structure has very beautifully used to group the data type in single unit. The date variables (day, month and year) have been grouped in the structures named date where as other variables such as name, number, street, paid amount etc. are grouped under another structure named account.
Customer Billing System application is so simple to use. In order to use the application, click at the exe file and then, you will have three options to:
  1. To add account
  2. To search account
  3. To exit
As per your need, enter 1, 2,or 3 and follow the instructions provided by the application itself.
  1. It can hold any number of accounts and account can be added to the program at any time.
  2. The programming of simple calculations such as calculation of due amount, balance etc. have been embed in the code of project.
  3. The Customer Billing System project in C gives you the facility of searching the account by two ways, either by name of the customer or by the number of customer.
  4. The due amount to be paid is shown as negative balance.
  5. If you have nothing to do with the program, you can directly exit from the main menu.

Output Screen:

Main Menu

Customer Accounts

The project can be used in many aspects, firstly the application file generated can be used. Secondly the source code of Customer Billing System project in C can be used to learn C programming and its different features such as use of user defined functions, structures etc. Submitting this C project as your college/school C project without any modifications is completely discouraged.

Cricket Score Sheet Project Mini-Project in C Free Source Code Download


Cricket Score Sheet project is a simple project built using the C programming language. It uses file handling to store various information regarding runs, wickets, overs, extras, and many more. The program can display runs, wickets, names of batsmen and bowlers, overs, extras, economy of bowler, strike rate of batsmen, etc. It also displays the date and time of the game. The source code is complete, error-free and easy to understand.
The source code of this cricket score sheet project needs to be compiled in Code::Blocks IDE using GCC compiler. You can directly download the source code, application file, and other program files of this project from the link below.

Download link

Cricket Score Sheet Project Abstract:

Functions Used:
The C source code of this project is very simple and consists of seven user defined functions. They are listed below along with the tasks they perform.
  • void date() –  to store current date or date of game.
  • void printt() – to print the output in specific format.
  • void filewrite() – to write in  a file on hard drive of computer to store the input data such as runs, wickets, balls, over etc.
  • void fileread() – to extract or read the data from the file created to store the data.
  • void fileopen(char) – opens a cricket score sheet project file from the computer.
  • int limitedinput(int) – to input some limited data.
  • void newscoresheet() – to create new score sheet in a new file.
When the project file of cricket score sheet project is executed, it works by following the steps described below:
  • First of all the project displays the welcome screen and the screen fades up to display the main menu.
  • The main menu comprises three options namely:
    -> New Score Sheet
    -> View Score Sheet
    -> Exit
  • If ‘1’ is entered, Cricket Score Sheet project asks for the name of new score sheet. When the file is created, a message is displayed on the screen.
  • Then, the score sheet appears on screen in which the user has to input the following information:
  1. Competition
  2. Venue
  3. Match between and versus
  4. Toss winner team
  5. Elected choice of toss winner
  6. Inning and date
  7. Name of batsman and run hit by each of them
  8. Name of bowler and run given by each blower
  • After inputting these data, the program asks user to input ‘e’ to edit the data and ‘c’ to continue.
  • If the user inputs ‘2’ in the main menu, the program asks for the name of file. If the file is found, it is displayed. Otherwise, error message is printed on the screen.
  • The third option in main menu is exit. If ‘3’ is entered in the main menu, the Cricket Score Sheet project terminates.

Output Screen:

Main Menu

Score Sheet

Like other projects published on our site, I recommend you to use this project for reference purpose. Using this cricket score sheet project with little or no modification at all is completely discouraged. Try writing your own code after analyzing this project. This project will teach you effective use of file handling in C mini project, and how to store and display information using file.


Contact Management System Mini-Project in C Free Download


Mini Project in C Contact Management System is a simple console application without graphics. It is similar to the contact manager in cell phones. In this  project, you can add, view, edit, search and delete contacts. All added and edited records are saved in a file.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Calendar Application Mini Project in C Free Source Code Download


This mini project on Calendar in C programming language is a console application without graphics. To make the calendar look colorful, many windows properties have been used in this project. Besides the color used in backgrounds, the days of the month are white and the vacations (Sundays) are indicated using the red foreground color.

Mini Project in C Bank Management System Download Free Source Code


This project is focused on customer account services in bank, so it is named “Customer Account Bank Management System”.


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